Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Revelation 22:10-21; Go Tell Others To Come!

In the final verses of Revelation we are reminded of our opportunity and responsibility to respond to Jesus' invitation to come. As the bride of Christ we have been commissioned to go out and declare to the that Jesus desires for them to Come to Him.

Calvary Chapel Iwakuni

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Revelation 22:1-9; Fruitful Living

In our passage we find that the Tree of Life in Heaven will be fruitful and always in season, which reminds us that we are to be fruitful and always in season with regard to living for and glorifying God in our lives.

Calvary Chapel Iwakuni

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Revelation 21:9-27; Building Materials

As we see what materials are used in the New Jerusalem, we are reminded that it's important in this life to build upon our foundation of Christ with only those things that have eternal significance.

Calvary Chapel Iwakuni

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Revelation 20:7-15; Judgment Time

In this passage we see the final judgment that occurs before the Great White Thorn. We are reminded that only God's opinion matters and we should make it our aim to live for His glory.

Calvary Chapel Iwakuni

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Revelation 20:4-6; The Millennial Reign

Considering our future with Christ during His millennial reign is something that should excite us...something we should be sharing with others.

Calvary Chapel Iwakuni

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Revelation 20:1-6 Preparing for Christ Millennial Reign

This Passage shows Christ beginning his millennial reign and we are  reminded of how we should prepare for that time.

Calvary Chapel Iwakuni